East Molesey Methodist Church takes its safeguarding responsibilities seriously, and aims to comply with national Methodist Church policy and practice. In so doing we aim to ensure that children, young people and adults at risk who worship at our church or meet here for activities are fully protected and safe from harm. This responsibility extends to church activities off site including pastoral visits to people in their own homes.
We have adopted a Safeguarding policy which covers many aspects of our work including the safer recruitment of volunteers who offer their time, the provision of training and support and practical advice and guidance to assist church leaders and pastoral visitors to work safely.
This policy can be read here
We have adopted some guidance to support our work with vulnerable and at risk adults from a guide published by the Sheffield District of the Methodist Church. We acknowledge Sheffield District's authorship of this document. Each pastoral visitor has been provided with a hard copy with local details included of who to contact at Surrey County Council if a serious concern is identified.
As part of implementing our safeguarding policy, we are required to complete an annual risk assessment to identify where we are compliant with our policy and where we need to make improvements. The risk assessment focuses on five key areas:
- Safer recruitment practice
- Compliance with training requirements
- Reviewing practice in activities which focus on children and vulnerable adults
- Building safety and security
- Ensuring building hirers comply with their own organisational and/or church safeguarding policies
Responsibility for safeguarding at East Molesey Methodist Church
Whilst it is true to say that safeguarding is everyone's business, the person with overall responsibility for ensuring safe practice in the church is the minister, Revd David Innes. However day to day responsibility is assigned to the Church Safeguarding Officer who is currently Fiona Axton. Her contact details are available on the the noticeboards in the church and entrance to the halls. Her email address is
The policy is renewed annually at the February meeting of the Church Council